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Estate Planning Lawyers

Our estate planning team understand the emotional stressors that can come about when discussing your Will. It can be uncomfortable and something people want to avoid – we understand, but it is something that needs to be talked about, in the event something unexpected happens.

Our team has a sensitive approach and offers personalised advice tailored to your specific circumstances and wishes. We are here to make the process as comfortable, and easy as possible for you.

What is a Will?

A Will is a legal document which is used to transfer a person’s assets to their beneficiaries after their death.

Why Do I Need a Will?

It is recommended for anyone over the age of 18 years old to have a Will in place, regardless of their status in life.

Having a Will in place ensures your loved ones are looked after when you pass away, and your wishes are respected.

What Happens if I Don’t Have a Will?

If you don’t have a Will, any of the following can happen:

  • Your young children may not be looked after by the people you intended;
  • Some unintended people may benefit considerably, and some intended people may not;
  • Assets you may have wanted to be passed on may need to be sold off so that unintended beneficiaries can be paid out;
  • Your beneficiaries may lose considerable tax and asset protection benefits;

By having a Will in place, the winding up of your affairs can be planned, and cost effectively executed, leaving you and your loved ones with peace of mind.

When Does a Will Need to be Updated?

Like most paperwork, a Will is not a set and forget document.

Your Will should be reviewed every 3 years, when your Binding Death Benefit Nomination (BDBN) is reviewed. You may need to update your Will if any of the following occurs:

  • You get married or enter into a defacto relationship.
  • Your get divorced or separate from your partner.
  • You have a child or grandchild.
  • Your executor or beneficiary passes away.
  • Your financial situation changes.

What Will it Cost?

We offer fixed rate prices for standard single person Wills, and discounted rates for couples.

After you meet with our estate planning team and have discussed your circumstances and wishes, we will provide you with a detailed Will quote via email.

Safe Custody

As a complimentary service offered to our estate planning clients, we will store your original will/estate planning documentation in our strong room for safe keeping, as well as be uploaded to your Online Client Portal. Your documents will stay in our safe custody room until requested – if ever needed.

A will is one of the most important documents you will have, and you want to ensure it’s done correctly. Contact our estate planning team today to assist you with your Will.

Estate Planning Guide

Are you new to the estate planning process and not sure where to begin? Download our estate planning guide.

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Our Estate Planning Blogs and Podcasts


In today’s digital age, online assets have become a significant part of our lives. From social media accounts to digital currencies, these assets play a crucial role in our personal and professional lives. Just like your physical assets, it’s important to have a plan for your online assets after your demise. This is where a… Read More »Estate Planning & Digital Assets


In today’s world, sustainability has become more than just a buzzword. It has permeated every aspect of our lives, including how we say our final farewells to loved ones. Traditional burial methods, such as embalming and casket burials, are not only expensive but also have a significant impact on the environment. This has led to… Read More »Eco-Friendly Body Disposal: A Sustainable Approach to Final Farewells


Family provision claims can often be complex and emotionally charged legal matters that arise after a loved one’s death. These claims allow certain individuals to seek further provision from the deceased persons estate, even if they were not adequately provided for in the Will. The Basics of Family Provision Claims Family provision claims, also known… Read More »Family Provision Claims – What You Need to Know


In life, we often find ourselves juggling various responsibilities – work, family, finances, and planning the future. While it may not be the most pleasant topic to ponder, it’s crucial to think about what will happen to our loved ones and our hard-earned assets after we’re gone. One way to ensure your wishes are carried… Read More »The Importance of a Binding Death Benefit Nomination


When it comes to estate planning, Wills play a crucial role in ensuring our assets and possessions are distributed according to our wishes after we pass away. These Wills often contain a list of beneficiaries who are entitled to inherit certain assets or properties. Legally speaking, a beneficiary is someone who has the right to… Read More »The Role & Rights of Will Beneficiaries


Legal capacity refers to an individual’s ability to make sound decisions and understand the consequences of those decisions. In relation to estate planning, this includes making informed choices about beneficiaries, distribution of assets, and appointing agents or executors. It is essential to have a clear understanding of capacity to safeguard the validity and legality of… Read More »Capacity Concerns in Estate Planning


An enduring power of attorney (EPOA) is an important legal document that appoints another person or persons to make crucial life decisions for someone if and when they lose capacity to make such decisions for themselves. While making an EPOA is particularly relevant for those of advancing years who may become vulnerable to conditions such… Read More »Understanding the Benefits of Creating an Enduring Power of Attorney


In the context of estate planning, you may have heard of the term testamentary trust. In this podcast, PD Law Senior Associate, Elizabeth Smith, explains what testamentary trust is and the circumstances it is often used.


I recently caught a shuttle from the airport to home. Business was obviously good for the bus company – the seats were all full and I found myself in the front passenger seat next to the driver. We chatted easily for the trip. She got to asking me what I did. I told her. Possibly out… Read More »The Value Proposition – What’s a Will really worth to you?


We recently covered about 2500 kilometres on a family driving holiday. It was a long, long way, but we broke the trip up with a few sleep overs, the obligatory travelling games, and we took turns at playing DJ on Spotify. Complaints about my music were drowned out by volume. We also listened to a… Read More »There are lives at stake – stop being a fence sitter


You’ve made your will, got it done, signed, safely stored in your lawyer’s strong room. What now? Although there’s no set time frame, we recommend an annual check up, and here’s why:  marriage and divorce – both can make an impact on your will  re-marriage and further children including step children  the birth of children… Read More »Lessons from the Death Star – When should I review my Will?

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“I went into business with your spouse, not you!” You’ve been in business with your good friend and close ally Mark for almost a decade, building a strong business together. You’ve survived the GFC, massive competition, and a couple of bad business decisions you’d rather forget. But you’ve both come through, and your business is… Read More »Business Wills – managing the silent partner !


In today’s digital society, treasured memories and valuable assets are being  stored, uploaded and shared as part of everyday life.  Along with the photos we upload, our status updates, tweets, blog posts and emails, this wealth of personal information has combined to form what is now referred to as our “digital legacy”. It is becoming… Read More »Online Assets – Deciding who controls your digital legacy